Moving Sound Pictures: A video documentation
What is the motivation of Konstantina Orlandatou for this project? Why and how does she use VR technologies for art mediation? In a short documentary video she explains the objectives of her project and her own motivation as a composer and multimedia artist. What are...
SEE, HEAR, PLAY KANDINSKY! Mit der virtuellen Realität das Gemälde “Weißer Punkt” erleben
Wie klingt ein Bild? Beeinflussen sich Malerei und Musik? Die Multimedia-Komponistin Dr. Konstantina Orlandatou lässt im Projekt Moving Sound Pictures der Innovativen Hochschule Gemälde aus der Bildenden Kunst begeh- und hörbar werden. Nun ist eine ihrer interaktiven VR-Installationen in der Hamburger Kunsthalle zu sehen. Tauchen Sie...
In dem Projekt A SPACE JOURNEY, das in Kooperation mit der Multimedia-Abteilung der HfMT und der Hamburger Sternwarte (Universität Hamburg) stattfindet, treten Multimedia-Komposition und Astrophysik miteinander in den Dialog und verbinden sich zu einem intermedialen Musiktheaterabend. In Form einer imaginären Reise durch das Universum werden...
The Making-of the Abstract Painters – Part I
In my previous post, I tried to sketch how some decisions concerning this project, before actually starting to work, have been made. Therefore, I knew which technologies I am going to use and I knew that my inspiration is Kandinsky. I also knew that I...
Starting from zero in VR creation: some thoughts from a composer’s perspective
Zero: how everything started… When this project started in 2018, I knew few things about virtual reality (VR) and what it is really about! At that time, I only had the vision to make paintings somehow alive and bring them to another dimension! A little bit...
Salvador Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory” has been adapted to a VR environment
Salvador Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory” has been adapted to a VR environment consisting of Flex Objects with which the user can interact. The user, who wears a VR headset and holds controllers in his hands (HTC Vive or HTC Vive Pro) can move around...
The Abstract Painters are available as a free app in Viveport!
In the first phase of this project paintings by Kandinsky, Lissitzky, Mondrian and Malevich were implemented in a virtual gallery where the user had the chance to “jump” in the paintings and interact with them. Additionally the user had the opportunity to have an implemented...